Despite all the talk about equality of the two sexes, there are still some things that even women prefer to be done by men like having their cars serviced – at least in the UK. And we ‘re not talking about getting their hands dirty but actually taking their car to the service station.

According to new research from car servicing network, Bosch Car Service, which surveyed 1,022 UK adults (18+) representative of the UK adult population, just three out of every ten women take their cars for servicing on their own, in comparison to seven out of ten men.

While neither expressed a particular “fear” towards it, when asked to compare it to other household shores, 35% of women responded that they weren’t sure they would have a good experience, in contrast to 24% of men.

“It is clear that there is still a feeling of discomfort amongst women drivers towards taking their cars in for a service, which could be why they are leaving it up to men”, said Bosch Car Service Concept Manager, Howard Price.

The survey also showed that three out of ten drivers under the age of 24, regardless of sex, are letting their parents deal with the duty of car maintenance, while the same percentage takes his or her own car for servicing, with the rest relegating the duty to mum and dad.

“With younger drivers, the reason for leaving it up to parents is most probably because of inexperience – as well as cost – rather than feeling unconfident in the experience of car servicing,” said Price.