So, you’re driving on a highway stretch that’s not lighted and all of a sudden a man appears in the middle of your lane; what do you do?

It’s a split second decision that’s hard to make but this calm Russian driver made an extremely quick maneuver saving his own as well as the drunk pedestrian’s life.

The driver said he hit the jaywalker with his mirror adding that the man suffered a fractured foot from the accident, which is a really small price to pay for his senseless actions.

A description of the accident from the driver in both Russian and translated to English from Google follow below:

“Drove from Lipetsk to Tambov. Suddenly, in my band was a man walking in the same direction in the middle of the right lane. Tried to avoid the collision by turning into the left lane. Very fortunate to have had time to oncoming pass. Strike occurred at a tangent. The man was drunk. As a result of hitting his leg fractured left foot. The machine is broken right rear view mirror. There is a small Zarapin on the front right side window.”

“Ехал из Липецка в Тамбов. Неожиданно на моей полосе появился человек, идущий в попутном направлении по середине правой полосы. Попытался уйти от столкновения, повернув в левый ряд. Очень повезло, что встречка уже успела проехать. Удар произошел по касательной. Человек был пьян. В результате удара у него перелом голени левой ноги. У машины разбито правое зеркало заднего вида. Есть мелкие зарапины на переднем правом боковом стекле.”