We would like to begin by personally thanking each and every one of our readers who contributed with their scoop images and in some cases, videos as well, to our “U Spy” section that has gained a lot of traction over the years, with 2012 being no exception.
The fact that many of you took the time to shoot pictures of yet-to-be revealed models that you happened to cross paths with and picked CarScoop as the site of your choice to share them with other readers and fellow gearheads without ever asking for something in return is truly admirable and sure gets our engines running.
In your honor, we’ve compiled a list with the vehicles you, our readers, either photographed or filmed during the course of 2012. If we missed something, send us an email or head over to the comments and tell us about it so we can add it.
U SPY 2012 BMW 3-Series M Performance
BMW M3 Sedan
BMW i3
Bentley Continental Flying Spur
Chevrolet Trailblazer
Ford Prototypes
Hyundai Equus F/L
Jaguar F-Type Roadster Rendered
Kia Cadenza F/L
Lexus LS
Mercedes S-Class
Mercedes CLA
Mercedes S-Class
Mercedes Prototype
Mercedes A-Class
Mercedes CLA
Mercedes Prototype
Mini Paceman JCW
Mystery Model
Mystery Model
Mystery Model
Mystery Prototype
Opel Convertible
Porsche Panamera F/L
Porsche Cayman
Porsche 911 Turbo
Porsche 911 Turbo
Porsche Cayman & Macan
Range Rover
Range Rover Prototypes
Renault Fluence F/L
Rolls Royce Ghost
Skoda Octavia Mk3