Acura has signed on as the sole sponsor of “Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee,” the popular web series created by and starring Jerry Seinfeld. The series will return this summer to Crackle and, with Acura to sponsor 24 new episodes to be released in 2013 and 2014.

Under the agreement, Seinfeld, who starred in Acura’s 2012 Super Bowl commercial, will introduce to the show the all-new Acura MDX. As the only sponsor of the upcoming 24 episodes, Acura will also integrate short, contextually relevant ads at the beginning and end of each episode. While some fans may be annoyed by the ads, on the other hand, it could be good news as the producers had been contemplating introducing a form of pay for viewers before Acura stepped in.

“Not everyone understood what we were doing. But like Moe Green who invented Las Vegas, Acura is a company of vision and guts. We could not be more thrilled to have them as our sponsor. Because of them, we advance!” said Jerry Seinfeld.

Since its debut in July 2012, “Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee” has delivered more than 10 million streams and earned Jerry Seinfeld a special Webby Award for Outstanding Comedic Performance.

The second season begins this summer and will feature Seinfeld’s conversations with comedy greats like David Letterman, Sarah Silverman, Chris Rock and Don Rickles. If you haven’t yet watched an episode, you can get a taste or Seinfeld’s new “show about nothing” in the video below.

By Dan Mihalascu