One of the less frequently talked-about reasons why many (women) drivers take their eyes off the road and hands off the wheel while operating their vehicle (and crash), is putting on makeup.

If you thought that sexist ads were dead, highly-illegal and frowned-upon by society, think again, because this latest MINI ad from Mexico is squarely aimed at telling women to either drive or put on makeup.

This is not a site about gender equality and rights, but allow me to say that, while this is a serious problem and indeed a cause of crashes, placing an airbag in a powder room then scaring women as they are putting on makeup on camera just seems a bit daft and pointless to me.

So what if the airbag has some writing on it and a MINI logo; it bewilders why so many people (in this case marketing/advertising firm staff) have this deeply-rooted belief that others need to be taught and guided through fear, panic and confusion. Because this is what all the women received while carefully putting on lipstick, in the video ad posted below.

Feel free to disagree with me, and do cast your own opinion even further below, in the comments section after the video.

Story References: MINI via Jalopnik

By Andrei Nedelea