We’ve witnessed some pretty crazy and freaky stuff in dash-cam videos from all over the world, but for real now, this clip simply blew our minds away… So much so that we had to watch it over and over again, rubbing our eyes in the process to make sure that what we’re seeing is real.

What was it that happened in this incident to grasp our full attention, which to be honest, has been hijacked by all those Russian cams? How about a woman falling from a speeding car on a South Korean expressway?

Yes, we know it sounds gory and under normal circumstances, such an accident usually results to death, but nothing of the sort happened, which is why we are amazed.

Not only did the woman get up all by herself after the door opened and she fell off the speeding car onto the road, but despite the fact that she was disorientated (wouldn’t you be?) and was heading towards an oncoming SUV, all her lucky stars somehow lined up at that precise moment and she avoided the hit!

There are no other details on the incident (at least not from a credible source), but our Korean readers are more than welcome to send in any updates if they happen to learn more.