Here’s another mystery scoop for you readers. This one comes to us courtesy of Reddit user Kenitzka who apparently found the test car parked outside of what looks to be a fast food place – our investigative efforts say it’s a McDonalds lot.

Kenitzka asks if the camouflaged prototype is a Cadillac, and well, the sharp lines and the shape of the two-door model with the Michigan license plates clearly point to an upcoming wreath-and-crest sports car.

Looking at Cadillac’s lineup of current models and having an idea of what’s coming up next, you have three options (that is, if you think it’s a Cadillac): the range extender hybrid ELR; an ATS Coupe or the next CTS Coupe.

If you ask us, we’ll go with option number one, the Chevrolet Volt-derived Cadillac ELR. Feel free to agree or disagree with us in the comments area below.

Photo Credits: Kenitzka/Reddit

