You could say that this cameraman hates it when people dump things out of their cars on the side of the road, and unless this is a Jimmy Twerkoff Kimmel-kind of viral stunt, you could also state that he got his revenge via instant karma.

After purportedly confronting the driver of the Toyota pickup truck with a camera in his hands that were shaking more than an agoraphobic greyhound in a mall during Christmas (keep that in mind when you press play in the following video), the man took off but ended with his vehicle in the ditch…

If you can handle a twerking camera, then by all means hop over the break to watch the video for yourself.

Editor’s Note: Upon finishing this post, we discovered what looks to be the original video shot by a one Tom Pinto back in 2009 (and not from the user we first saw the clip), who wrote this about the encounter on his YouTube page:

“On 12/19/2009, on the outskirts of Eureka, CA, I stopped this loser who was dumping trash into a watershed near my house. After I confronted him, he drove into the muck. A sheriff’s deputy responded to my 911 call. He was tested for alcohol and was arrested for DUI.”