There’s just something about the moment when an overly-stressed engine explodes in front of a numerous crowd. To some, it’s a magical moment and people always seem to cheer on while the contour of the hood begins billowing smoke, prompting the driver get out and power punch the air or take a bow, as if at the end of some sort of act.

That scenario is based a scene from an older video we posted, but the formula holds true for most of them…

This time, it’s the turn of a beefed-up blue Chevy pickup engaged in what looks to be a fairly balanced tug of war with a similar vehicle. It seems to be doing just fine, until sparks start flying from beneath, only to be followed a fraction of a second later by the explosion.

As usual, the spectators go crazy, but this time, the owner seems a bit more concerned about the bits of crankshaft and huge puddle of oil underneath his still smoldering truck – bring on the next one!

By Andrei Nedelea

Story References: Jalopnik