I’m sure many of you have heard of the term “selfie” and perhaps even secretly or openly practiced the ritual. If you haven’t, Wikipedia describes it thusly: “A photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website”. I guess you can loosely apply the term to short videos, as long as the camera is pointing towards your face.

There is no need to explain why taking “selfies” when driving behind the wheel of an automobile is an utterly stupid act, but why all the fuss about a guy from Spain who shot the video while on the passenger seat?

Umm, well, the problem was that he did so when the car was rolling on the highway and there was no one sitting at the wheel…

Spanish police caught a whiff of the video and shared it on YouTube asking for information on the man, while it also issued the following statement (Google translated below):

Desde la Policía Nacional estamos buscando a este irresponsable cuya conducción criminal entraña enormes riesgos para la seguridad de todos. Colabora con nosotros para ponerle fuera de circulación (carretera) en el correo redesabiertas[at]policia.es”

“From the National Police we are looking for this irresponsible whose criminal conduct carries enormous risks for the safety of all. Collaborate with us to put off the road in the mail redesabiertas[at]policia.es”

By John Halas