Like all trademarks, names expire too, so companies that own them have to renew their intellectual property, which is what Toyota did last week with the “Supra” moniker that it had previously filed to protect with the US Patent and Trademark Office back in 2010.

While some may jump into hasty conclusions about the move, you may want to keep in mind that, Toyota is simply protecting its property after the trademark expired on January 27 – so you know, you don’t have some random company coming and launching a Supra-branded car…

Whether Toyota has solid plans for a successor to the rear-wheel drive sports coupe, and if it aims to use the Supra name, or as it hinted with the FT-1 Concept in Detroit this year, employ a different nomenclature similar to the GT 86, is an entirely different story.

Either way, it would not want someone else using the name. Period.

By John Halas

Story References: US Patent Office via Autoweek

Thanks to Tuan for the tip!

