All the world’s drivers should be automatically issued with a Morgan Freeman-voiced sat-nav unit when they get their license, so that they never have to go one day without it.

As the video posted below will reveal, the device encourages getting lost, but positively feeds a much deeper introspective journey for each person, because, well, “we could all use some help along the highways and byways of life.”

The video is very obviously a well-executed spoof of other character/actor-infused GPS system promos, but also a slap in the face for those companies who have not already taken advantage of this truly brilliant idea…

It’s funny how Morgan Freeman has morphed into a kind of know-it-all version of Chuck Norris who doesn’t kill you by staring into your eyes, but rather makes you less ignorant (and late to your destination) in the process.

By Andrei Nedelea