Apple’s CarPlay in-car infotainment system has been the talk of the tech/car scene since it was announced, and it seems to have caused such a big stir that one of the other industry giants, Microsoft, has decided to place itself in the same pie chart with what it’s calling “Windows in the car.”

Previewed this week at a specialist conference, the software looks good and very Windows-ey but as the video posted reveals, it’s still very early in the development phases, so it’s buggy – it even crashes and displays a bunch of code at one point.

The main features of Windows in the car are a phone function, navigation via (Bing) maps, music player, Xbox Radio and actual car functions, such as demyst or defrost.

Based on the (limited) information we have so far, which do you think will be the better system to use in the end?

By Andrei Nedelea

Story References: Gizmodo