One of the hosts of the award-winning and renowned NPR radio show, Car Talk, has died.

According to NPR, Tom Magliozzi died Monday at age 77 from complications of Alzheimer’s disease. The show’s executive producer called Tom, “such a dominant, positive personality amongst us for so long that all of us in the public radio family.”

Tom and his younger brother Ray were from East Cambridge, Mass. and operated a repair shop in the 1970s, before somewhat accidentally getting involved with a radio show. Car Talk began on Boston public radio station WBUR in 1977 and went national in 1987. Listeners would call in with their automotive questions and often try to mimic the sounds their car was making for Ray and Tom to diagnose.

But the show was arguably less about cars and more about the personality of the brothers and made for hugely entertaining Saturday listening for its many fans. Still, Car Talk became one of the most iconic automotive-related shows.

Ray and Tom announced in 2012 they were retiring from the show, but it has continued in repeats since.

Check out this fantastic obituary from NPR about Tom and Car Talk.

By Zac Estrada

Photo: Car Talk