Some people like to keep their DeLorean DMC-12s in stock condition, others like to turn them into accurate replicas of the time machine from the “Back to the Future” franchise.
But not all owners of DeLorean vehicles belong to these two categories. There are others like Chicago-based Rich Weissensel, a software engineer whose collection of modified DeLorean cars include a limousine, a convertible, a hovercraft, a monster truck and a Time Machine Replica.
Besides the five custom creations, he also owns three stock DeLoreans. Interestingly, the man has re-modeled the custom cars himself, an operation that has taken him 14 years to complete. He started his projects after meeting John DeLorean in 2000 and showing him some of his ideas and sketches.
Scroll down to find out more about the unusual DeLorean collection from the following video courtesy of Barcroft.