When you’re sick of waiting for your very own electric supercar, you may start doing silly things such as pay a lot more than you should just so the dealer can put your car at the top of their priority list.

It seems like a BMW i8 customer from Orange County, California, wanted his $147,450 car so bad that he ended up spending 240k thanks to a “market adjustment” from BMW Irvine, which is both terrible and somewhat understandable, if you’re the client.

If money isn’t an issue and you really really need/want/have to have the new i8, then sure, by all means go $100,000 over, because even with $247,450 you can’t find anything that would be an upgrade over a BMW i8. So ethically you’re in the clear. And you obviously can’t wait for the next gen R8 e-tron or consider cars such as the McLaren P1 or the Porsche 918 Spyder because they cost almost 4 times that much.

So what’s a guy to do? Maybe wait for the all-new Acura NSX? No, you can’t wait! He paid that 100k just so he wouldn’t have to wait anymore.

And so even though we’re definitely not in favor of these so called market adjustments, we can’t blame him for not wanting to sit by who knows how many months until he would have eventually gotten his car.

source: forums.vwvortex.com