With around 122,550 deliveries worldwide for the month of February and a 4,2% increase compared to the same period last year, it would seem the sun is still shining bright on Ingolstadt.

Audi sales have went up not just in Europe but in China as well, despite the shortened month with the Chinese New Year celebrations taking place. They’ve also had their 50th consecutive record-breaking month in terms of sales in the US, where the A3 contributed decisively to their rise.

The US happens to be the largest sales market for the A7, which is due to hit American shores in its facelifted form alongside the restyled A6 – and we expect both to continue to make their way into the hands of new owners at a record pace.

In China, we’re looking at a steady rise for the long-wheelbase A6 as well – the best selling premium car in the market. The numbers look good, increasing by 18.9%, which translates to 10,168 units for the month of February.

Also, in the first two months of the new year, Audi has delivered 84,960 car in China, which is 10.5% more than they did last year.

As for Europe, sales went up by 4.4% overall, with Germany registering a 16.9% rise, while combined sales for the A6, A7, Q7 and A8 (Audi’s full-size models) soared by 23.2%. Countries such as France and Russia saw a decline as compared to the same month last year, but in contrast, sales in Sweden and Turkey increased substantially.

Overall, Audi sold 2,280 more cars in the month of February than Mercedes-Benz. This might not sound like a lot, but financially speaking it really is.