Have you ever had that eerie feeling that something is about to go down? This Ukrainian guy did when he saw a lady getting ready to back her Bangle-butted BMW 7-Series into the road, so he whipped out his camera and started recording.

In the process, the man almost got into a fight with a pedestrian, with whom – according to Alexey Kuvaev on YouTube, he had the following conversation before the ‘Big Bang’ (we’d mighty appreciate if our Ukrainian/Russian readers could confirm the translation):

Pedestrian: Don’t film me
Camera Guy: I’m not filming you.
Pedestrian: Then why are you filming in this direction for?
Camera Guy: Trust me; I have a good feeling about this…

No sooner than he spoke those prophetic words, the woman in the BMW made her first hit, before backing into two more (!) vehicles and finally coming to a stop in the park!

Thanks to Mats for the tip!
