If you’re going to take your chance and cross a flooded patch of road, it’s best you do so in an SUV or a pickup, as opposed to a late 90s/early 2000s sports car.

The woman behind the wheel of this C5 Vette either intentionally ignored the warning signs that stated “Do not cross when flooded”, or didn’t pay attention to them at all, not realizing they were there.

As seen in this footage from 12News, the car struggles to get going again after being brought to a halt and required somebody in a pickup to come along and push it out of the water bumper to bumper – an act that may or may not have actually dislodged the pickup’s front bumper.

While it was heavy rain that caused this minor incident, lots of streets and intersections in Phoenix have been recently affected by acts of nature, most notably some pretty significant sinkholes, with a bus even getting stuck in one yesterday.

Naturally, in those instances where you’re able to avoid risking your car or your own safety in tough weather or road conditions, you most definitely should, especially if the car you’re driving isn’t particularly well-equipped to get you through major obstacles.