While we may never understand the appeal of replica cars, it’s obvious that some people absolutely love them, going to extreme lengths to mimic the designs of their dream cars on more accessible and affordable alternatives.
Typically, such replicas don’t upset too many people as they are often inoffensive and cheap, particularly when sold second-hand. The owner of the following Bugatti Veyron replica however has gone a step too far.
The vehicle is based around a 2002 Ford Cougar and while no self-respecting car enthusiast would mistake it for the real thing, it is quite an impressive replica. It features bodywork similar to the Veyron, albeit on a smaller scale, and even has the Veyron’s characteristic two-tone paint scheme. Even the interior is rather impressive, all things considering.
However, this is where things get rather ridiculous. The owner has listed it up for sale on eBay with a ‘Buy It Now’ price of $75,000, justifying the price by saying that he has spent $98,000 on the transformation.
As anyone that has modified a car extensively will tell you, you’ll rarely get back anywhere near what you paid when selling the car. Spent $100,000 modifying your Mitsubishi Evo? You’d be lucky to get $10,000 more for it than a stock Evo.
In the case of this Veyron replica, we’d argue that if anything, the car is probably worth less than a standard Ford Cougar. Is there really any demand for such cars?