Track days may act as a relatively safe place to exploit a vehicle’s performance but they still have their dangers, as a driver of a Ferrari 488 GTB found out in Portugal.

While participating at a track day, a black 488 reportedly suffered catastrophic brake failure at one of the circuit’s high speed sectors and slammed into a crash barrier.

Footage of the incident shows the 488 screaming down one of Estoril’s straights behind a bright red 458. As the 458 begins to brake, the 488 continues to enter the corner at full speed with the driver directing it through the kitty litter on the inside of the right-hander to avoid the other Ferrari shortly ahead of it.

The 488 then skids across the circuit, into the run-off area at the side of the track and then slams side-on into the crash barrier.

Despite the high-speed nature of the crash, reports say that the driver escaped with nothing more than a few minor injuries.