From time to time, you’re bound to have your low days especially if you’re a young and active college student.

We’re talking about the so-called “Walk of Shame”, which is a term used to describe the morning after a crazy night out when you end up next to someone you may or may not remember and have to walk back to your own apartment or dorm in whatever condition you may be in – and usually, it ain’t good…

A young entrepreneur from Michigan found a way to make some money – or at least a name for herself, from the “walkers”.

Art & Design senior Kellyann Wargo from the University of Michigan came up with the idea of launching a transportation service named “Walk of Shame”.

What she offers is a package deal for $5 that includes a ride back home in her car, a bottle of water, a $5 coupon for the so-called “Plan B pill” and a…“complimentary high five”.

“Chances are someone is calling me because their hook-up doesn’t have a car and won’t walk them home, so they feel bad enough about themselves already,” Wargo told the Michigan Daily.

“I want to create a comfortable, safe, entertaining atmosphere … I genuinely have my passengers’ best interest at heart because I know how much walking home or taking a taxi sucks,” she added.

Wargo even went as far as to produce a tongue-in-cheek video, which you can check out for yourself right after the jump.

Story References: Jalopnik