Dashboard mounted car cameras are just about as common as snow in Russia giving us an insight on what your average driver has to deal with on a daily basis.

In the following video, you will find one of the most reckless drivers we’ve ever watched on camera – period.

We don’t know what went on before, but in the clip, we see the driver of a previous generation Ford Focus bypassing the car with the camera and then slowing down, accelerating and performing dangerous maneuvers on the road.

Not only does the Focus driver force the camera car to slide over to the side of the snowy road, but also an oncoming vehicle to do the same. And if that wasn’t enough, he makes a ‘U’ turn and stops to confront the driver of the car he just pushed over!

The clip stops at that point but something tells us that the driver of the car with the camera wasn’t happy at all… You can watch the video right after the break.

Hat tip to Gunn!