Meet the most unconventional lawyer of Austin, Texas: Adam Reposa, also known by his nickname Bulletproof.

You may have heard the name before, as Reposa was found in contempt of court in 2010 after he made “a gesture simulating masturbation” while standing before a Travis County judge in 2008.

Now, the 37-year old attorney has once again turned the spotlight on himself after releasing a supposedly humorous advertisement on YouTube.

The video shows a maniacal Reposa driving a huge pickup truck shouting on top of his voice, “I am a lawyer” and “Don’t you get in my way”, while also kicking and smashing another vehicle.

The director of the ad, Bob Ray, told the Austin Chronicle in an email that, as required by law, he has submitted the commercial to State Bar of Texas for approval.

“The legal community in Texas is going crazy with it right now and the vid has been bouncing around D.A. and defense atty’s offices for the last 24 hours,” said Ray, noting that he was “not sure of the repercussions if the Bar prohibits the commercial from being used or if we’re breaking any laws”.