With the use of personal cameras rapidly spreading to countries outside of Russia, we can now see what is really going on in other regions around the world, including our own backyard – or to speak.

A motorcyclist in Omaha, which is the largest city in the state of Nebraska in the U.S., recorded an incident in which a group of bikers and a passenger car were involved in a wild road rage confrontation on the highway.

The person who uploaded the video on YouTube elaborates:

“A group of bikes were riding in Omaha, NE this weekend when the driver of a car decided to try and drive them off the road. You can see several times when the driver attempts to wreck the bikes at 60+ MPH. It’s unknown what provoked the driver of the car. Driver was arrested for drug charges, nothing related to the bike incident.”

As noted, we are not aware of who started the road-rage incident, but it is pretty clear from the video that both sides acted senselessly placing not only themselves, but other unsuspicious drivers on the road as well.

Watch the incident unfold in the video below and then if you wish, head over to the comments to voice your thoughts.

Thanks to Bruno R. for the tip!