People who prefer two wheels instead of four for getting around always swear by their motorcycles and some really seem to not like drivers very much, for no apparent reason. This is clearly evidence of bottled up hatred, as this particular scooter rider from Russia came equipped to deal with any driver who was to cut him off…

If you take a look at the video posted after the virtual break, you’ll notice how the driver of the black Nissan Juke moves to the left side of the road to avoid a parked truck. It’s not the most severe maneuver of its type that we’ve seen, so the reaction it prompts is a bit over the top.

The angry rider takes out a battery powered angle grinder, and after catching up with the Juke at a set of traffic lights, he breaks the crossover’s mirror with his hand, then takes out the grinding tool and starts cutting away at it!

This guy must have had his way cut off by many drivers in the past, in order to prompt such a violent reaction. The only question we have is about the said angle grinder. Was he a construction worker, or did he deliberately bring it along to grind off people’s mirrors?

By Andrei Nedelea

Story References: YouTube Autoblog-com