The joy of driving an old sports car is unsurpassed by anything most modern cars have to offer, with their heavy (but safe) bodies and electronic nannies that dull down all of the sensations. However, one can’t simply throw an old car into corners without a second thought, because the lack of electronic nannies and other safety aids mean that if you’re not fully in control (and experienced), chances of crashing are quite high…

Scroll down to see what was left after a classic 1967 Porsche 911 was crashed by a 60 year-old driver from Lloyd Harbor, New York. The man lost control of the rear-engined sports car around a series of S-bends located north of Pontook Dam, along the scenic Route 16 in New Hampshire.

According to the police, the car went through the aforementioned S-bend at too great a speed, control was lost and it ended up “scraping a telephone pole and then hitting a tree head-on.”

In addition, because of the age of the car, it only featured a lap belt, not a three-point one like on all modern cars. This was the cause for the driver’s extensive head injuries.Thankfully, there were no passengers aboard, and the driver is now reportedly stable after having been transferred via helicopter to Maine Medical Center.

By Andrei Nedelea

Photos Courtesy of NH State Police , Story References: Unionleader

