Being a school bus driver or an aide these days isn’t as easy or as stress-free as it sounds. It hasn’t been that long since we told you about the story of the…“real life Lil’ Monsters” from Greece, New York, who bullied an elderly bus attendant to tears last June, and now, we have another head-scratching and evidently, thought-provoking incident, this time from Upper Darby Township in Delaware County, Pennsylvania.

A young man who we come to know under his YouTube alias “MrEverydays” was on board a school bus in the area when a group of young children, reportedly aged from 7 to 13 years old, went out of control, swearing like desperate sailors and with one of them, even pushing the bus attendant.

MrEverydays, who recorded the incident on his cell phone, said: “I have an hour-long bus ride to school every day. I’m only 18. all of these kids were born after the year 2000. The most active child is 7 years of age. I’m appalled by his behavior and disrespect. I have to tune this out every day.”

The ride from hell ended when the driver and the female attendant couldn’t take it no more and decided to pull over and call the police, who came to the scene taking the youngsters outside for a talk. We don’t know what happened after, but we will look into it and update this story accordingly.

In the comments section of YouTube, MrEverydays also replied to a viewer asking why he didn’t “stand up to the elderly woman being attacked by snotty brats half your size,” to which he replied:

“I’m always told to stay out of things for legal reasons. It makes things easier. The second I speak up the second they have twice as much shit to scream about, only it’s directed at me, until it becomes physical. I don’t want to be on the news for punching little kids, no matter how badly I wanted to do it. Me and that woman did talk about it though, the ride was a full hour, not just these 15 minutes. I did what I could to help her keep them under control.”

See the video after the break, but before you do, we need to warn you that there’s plenty of adult language….