This is Points, by Breakfast Productions, the innovative new futuristic-looking street sign that could make asking for directions an obsolete inconvenience – for some, at least. It is about the same height as any other street sign you’ve seen, but aside from its general look which hints at what it is, everything about it is new and innovative.
For instance, it is constantly connected to the internet, and can display a wide array of interest points, events and is even social networking-enabled, meaning it can display tweets, as well as RSS feeds.
You interact with it via a panel that allows you to choose from five different options, and the sign will automatically point you in the right direction once you’ve made your choice – any of its three arms with integrated monochrome LED displays, can swivel freely around the pole.
I think it’s an interesting idea, and would serve really well in train stations, airports or malls, as well as some tourist locations. However, it would be unfit for regular street use, as it would be vandalized eventually, regardless of where it would be placed. In addition, it would reveal to everybody else around you what it is that you are looking for – and there are people with foul intentions out there, and users of this sign could be potential targets.
Do check out the video below – all of the above may be a bit confusing without it…
By Andrei Nedelea
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