Morgan Motor Company is proud to be one of, if not the last truly family owned historic carmaker in the world. Not in any way like the Peugeot family’s ownership of PSA, because the smaller scale of Morgan’s operation, as well as their traditional methods of going about building a car don’t really mix very well with the overly-globalized concepts that most modern large-scale automakers have and are ardent supporters of.

It’s not the first video done to show off the inner workings of the company, but this one, courtesy of Drive, definitely one of the more complete ones. They are given a tour of factory grounds, located in Worcestershire, UK, by company chairman, Charles Morgan, who takes the time to explain and go through all of the processes which have to be completed in order to have a correctly-functioning car at the end.

The most interesting thing about Morgan, for me at least, is the fact that they still use the old techniques (and some of the tools) which really have no user’s manual and need to be taught and passed on, and they blend this with 3D modeling and a lot of work in AutoCAD and modern design techniques. Through this process, they are able to simulate many conditions, and test a car, at least roughly, way before a panel beater’s hammer beats a single panel.

This enables the cars that look like they’re from the1930s to be completely modern in their conception, yet are designed to be a feasible way to keep building them the way they have always done.

There’s a lot more to talk about, but your sight would get blurry if you were learn about it by reading an even lengthier version of this piece. To save you the ophthalmologist’s visit, we suggest you scroll down and watch the suitably lengthy video, which we’ve linked below.

By Andrei Nedelea