The American way of life promotes freedom of speech and expression, and keeps these two principles very close to the selection of core beliefs that govern it. However, for some, this idea of freedom is taken a bit too far, and this becomes immediately obvious especially when they begin to invade the lives of people whose more restrained ways of life are more in-tune with what we have now grown to call normal.

This has had negative consequences all throughout the United States’ history, and continues to produce discord today. I mean, what’s with this recent series of tire-slashing, recorded in the state of Virginia?

No fewer than 16 vehicles fell prey to the blade-toting hybrid-hater(s), most of which were Toyota Prius models, and this strikes us as odd. Sure, the majority of US buyers get a hybrid to feel less self-conscious about their wasteful ways and as Jay Leno once said, to “show off the good work they do privately.” However, at least the intention to save fuel is there, and the technology does work if used correctly, so hybrid buyers I think can’t be blamed for their choice…

If there was a point to be made here, I’m failing to see it, and I suspect that whoever did this is the kind of person who is convinced that he or she needs V8-powered pick-up truck or SUV to commute to work on the highway each day. Still, regardless of motivation, the act itself is wrong, and hybrid buyers should be left alone to continue encouraging the development of the technology, by actually buying it and subjecting it the rigors of every-day driving.

By Andrei Nedelea

Story References: Green.Autoblog