The main idea behind the Grand Theft Auto (GTA) franchise has always been to suck the player into what looks like a living, breathing world, full of things to do and believable characters to interact with.

The formula has evolved dramatically from the top-down perspective of the first two games (which were great in their own right, back in the day) and the latest installment promises to be one of the most diversified gaming experiences you’ll ever have.

Multiplayer will play a big part in that, and developer Rockstar has just released a trailer showing it off in all its expansive glory…

In a nutshell, it’s going to keep you indoors for far longer than you’d probably want or should; you’ll start ignoring your real friends, and will slowly become your chosen character. There’s so much that is being promised here, and the trailer which you can find posted below already does a pretty good job of immersing you in the game world, without even touching a controller.

Expect to have many popped blood vessels in your eyes once GTA 5 comes out and you buy it without even waiting for the reviews – it will be the source of many white nights, sore thumbs and ended relationships, but hey, this is the future. This game is currently as close to the Matrix as we can get (although there’s Watchdogs for us to look forward to too), particularly with the official inclusion and full support for multiplayer.

By Andrei Nedelea