Movie car replicas vary greatly in their quality, and sadly most who take on the endeavor of actually trying to convert an existing car into their boyhood dream end up with a half-ass attempt that is not really worthy to show off. We’ve seen so many of those, that we’re thankful for the few people out there that are dedicated and passionate enough to do a thorough job.
Take for example this Knight Industries Two Thousand reproduction, or KITT, as you may remember it from the 1980s TV series, being driven by David Hasselhoff when he wasn’t watching the bay…
Based on a modified black Pontiac Trans Am, it is a perfect reproduction of the movie car, complete with working dashboard, in all of its exaggerate LED-clad glory.
All fans of the show will really enjoy watching the video that is posted below. It takes us on a short ride inside the car, with the owner explaining what he did to get to this stage, and primarily why he did it. Of course, it could be argued that it was all down to passion, but when hard manual labor is involved, that sometimes isn’t enough, and many shy away when confronted with it – thankfully, though, the unnamed owner didn’t!
By Andrei Nedelea