Make all the fun you want about Syfy channel’s redonkulous Sharknado film (producers are laughing all the way to the top of Twitter feeds), but sometimes, crazy things can happen in real life.

Just past midnight, passengers of a Queens-bound N train in New York City discovered a…shark lying under a seat. Unlike the movie, the small shark was deceased. No one knows how and why it got there, but as is always the case with these bizarre incidents, there is plenty of speculation, with some thinking it may have been a prank, especially since it’s Shark Week on Discovery Channel.

NYU student Brandon Sanchez, 20, was one of the first people who saw the shark on the train. “I walk in, and there’s a pretty big, three foot dead shark on the train, and it smells terrible!” he told the NY Post. “We were pretty much in disbelief, and kept laughing. It was the craziest thing I’ve ever seen on the subway in New York!

“I don’t think someone killed it and put it there,” said Sanchez. “I think somebody probably bought it and left it there as a prank.”

Adam Lisberg, a spokesman for the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) confirmed the incident saying there was “a shark aboard the train” about 12:30 a.m. in one of the cars, while he also cracked a joke about how the agency handles these situations.

“Live sharks are wrangled by Shark Maintainer IIs, who have passed the qualification test and have minimum three years in the Shark Maintainer I title,” said Lisberg. “Dead ones are handled by Shark Maintainer Is, or if none are available on that shift, then by Aquatic Mammal Handler IIs.”

Lisberg wasn’t the only one with a sense of humor, as pictures of train passengers playing around with the dead shark – one of them even placed a cigarette in its mouth- have already started making the internet rounds.

Photo Courtesy of bsanchz@instagram