An unfortunate accident or a deliberate move made by an overly competitive racer (in the D-Bag bad sense), is the question being asked about an incident that occurred at the Ma5da Championship in the UK this past weekend and which saw Darren Shepsman crash his MX-5 racecar, and consequently, bring his 2013 race season to an abrupt end due to the lack of funds to fix his car.

The 32-second long video footage from Shepsman’s car shows a white MX-5 having a puncture and running out on the field, with the red MX-5 passing through in front. Shepsman then tried to pass the red-colored Japanese roadster but he received a nudge and was pushed out of the road and into a barricade of tires at high speed.

Shepsman described the accident thusly: “In Car footage of last few seconds before getting shunted off the track. This is at croft, on lap 3 – YES 3!! of what was meant to be a 60 min (well, 2 x 30 mins) endurance race. The white car had a puncture, which gave me a nice run on the outside… to my fate.”

Pictures of the aftermath from Nurburgringdrivers show what happened to the Shepsman’s MX-5, who believes that he was likely shoved off the track. Nurburgringdrivers has set up a donation page to raise the money for Shepsman to race again next year.

