What would you do if a driver cut you off? The normal human reaction usually involves some cursing together with hand gesturing and…that’s about it. At least that’s what most people do before getting on with their lives. That’s not the case with the individual you’re about to see in the following video, allegedly originating from Russia.

The man devised a very unusual plan to take revenge for something that happened before. The second video shows part of the incident that triggered his crazy reaction, as the driver in the dash cam supposedly (we’re not sure though) cut him off at a roundabout 5 minutes earlier.

The footage shows the car driving peacefully on a country road, when a pedestrian on the right side of the road suddenly throws a huge rock in front of the vehicle.

Needless to say, it did significant damage to the underbody of the car which halts to a standstill following the impact.

By Dan Mihalascu