In Russia, they place cameras on their cars’ dashboards for security (a.k.a. road-rage), insurance (a.k.a. scammers) and reality (no need to explain…) reasons. In the U.S., dashboard cameras aren’t nowhere near as popular, hence the shortage of online videos of the sort, but doing thoughtless car-related stunts in front of your friend’s recording device is.

A young man who has been identified by his Twitter account as Obi Nwosu (Star War humorists alert) is one of the many hundreds, perhaps even thousands of people who have tried jumping over a rolling car driven by one of their friends. He is also one of the many who have miserably and painfully failed at it…

The stunt went wrong and the unwise Obi-Wan ended up in the hospital. In the video he shared with The Vine, he shows the accident and a short scene from the hospital, where he says, “Don’t do it for the Vine”. Of course, the irony is, that he actually made it on the Vine…

Story References: The Vine via Gawker