If you’re a fan of Batmobiles and have always wanted to build a replica of your own, but never got around to it as it was too big and daunting a task, we are going to take the liberty to suggest shrinking it and building it at a smaller scale, not using an actual car to underpin it. It works and can result in some mean-looking drivable miniatures, such as the mini-Tumbler you see after the break.
It was created by Marc Irvin of Marc’s Creature Company out of a regular golf cart, retaining its chassis, but using different/modified suspension and steering components, to stay true to the original Tumbler design and functionality. The standard electric motor was also popped out and replaced with a more powerful 6 hp one; maximum speed is 60 km/h or 38 mph.
There’s even a fully-fitted interior, complete with leather seats, cup holders and iPad stand.
The only example currently in existence sold on eBay for $17,500, however, Marc’s Creature Company is working on a kit version that it will dub the Mini Tumbler 2.
Its price will be even higher, at $32,000, though that’s for a fully-assembled one and includes the price of the golf cart too. If you want to build it yourself and get your own donor vehicle, it costs a more reasonable $9,500.
By Andrei Nedelea
Story References: eBay via Gizmag