Large exposed glass areas on the ground floor of buildings, used for commercial purposes, seem to be a natural magnet for the unwary driver, who can, at any moment, drive through. It’s a common type of accident seen all across the world, and now it’s happened again, at a restaurant in Orlando, Florida.

However, this time a woman and child were hurt and were taken to hospital along with the driver that went through the glass and also another motorist who caused the original crash that sent the first driver on the wrong course…

The crash took place last December and until now, we don’t know what the repercussions for those involved were. Apparently, “a Lynx vanpool was driving on westbound Colonial Drive and ran a red light, hitting another vehicle and crashing into the restaurant,” according to ClickOrlando.

Check out the video that released just this week after the virtual jump.

By Andrei Nedelea