With 23,094 vehicles sold through 2013 and sustained growth for most of the year, the Chevrolet Volt has clearly won a few people on its side, and their numbers will continue to increase.

Chris Harris is now among those for whom 38 miles (61 km) of all electric driving and a 1.4-liter engine that doesn’t power the wheels make sense, as you’ll notice once you’ve started playing the video posted below.

Harris makes a good case for the Volt, and in the context he puts forward, it really does sound like it could work. He even points to colleague Matt Farah who’s been running one for the last three months, and says it’s an experience which has also turned him into a fan.

This video review is a little late to the party, as it comes some time after the Chevy was launched, but it’s nonetheless welcome if for instance you were already considering buying one, and needed one final motivational push before going to the showroom and taking a test drive.

By Andrei Nedelea