This has to be one of the dumbest ideas of this early 2014 period… I mean there are so many things that have gone awry around the world (especially as of late), that it just feels like the biggest waste of time and resources right now.

In the US, citizens’ rights are being stomped on with a big smile on Uncle Sam’s fac and whistleblowing heroes are cast as nation-betraying masterminds, while Fed-induced debt keeps mounting, and the organization known as PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) wants to build a massive roadside monument to remember some chickens that died in a crash at the end of January.

The story took place in Gainesville, Georgia and goes like this: a truck carrying live chickens from Pilgrim’s Farm crashed recently, turning all of its pumped up poultry payload into paté; driver thankfully escaped unharmed. And it’s not like they had that much longer to live, as they were being transported to be turned into food anyway – the reason they were raised for in the first place.

The initiative is the brainchild of Atlanta resident Sarah Segal, who took it upon herself to basically fulfill the role of grieving relative. It’s nice and all that people are still actively fighting for the right of animals, but does it not feel that organizations like PETA are actually doing the work that they say they do, supporting their stated causes. To me, it just feels like they know the war with the industrial food processing mastodons is a lost cause thanks to their money and lawyers, and are trying to justify their existence with acts such as this one and promoting the vegan lifestyle that really works for us omnivores…

So, yes, be responsible, treat animals with respect, acknowledge their loss whenever that may be, but don’t give a bunch of perished bratwurst-destined birds a 10-foot monument – that’s just silly.

What would have happened if the driver had died and all the chickens would have lived to fight another… two hours before being shipped off? PETA, makes a big deal out of (badly and uselessly) scratching the surface (in this case), when the problem stems from the people’s own overconsumption, their debaucherous ways and their inability to track (or care) where their food comes from, how it’s prepared and what it does to them.

Thankfully, the local administration reps were adamant this would not happen, though, according to the sources.

Check out the video news report below.

By Andrei Nedelea

Story References: Yahoo via , Video and Screenshot via NBC