While critics, one of the most vocal of which being Tesla’s Elon Musk, say hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles are not feasible on a number of different levels, the tech still has its supporters and it’s still being developed, in the quest to make it commercially viable.

One of the companies promoting it is Mercedes-Benz, a manufacturer not necessarily known for its green character, despite all of the obvious benefits of slapping a “BlueTec” badge on every single one of their models…

Now, Motoring tells us that the automaker is looking at a “2017-ish” time frame when it hopes to bring another (low-volume) model to market, after the 2002 launch of the first-gen A-Class-based F-Cell, which was followed by similar versions based on the newer A- and B-Class models, launched months apart in 2010.

The information was extracted from the brand’s sales and marketing boss, Ola Kallenius, who also let slip that the car housing this hydrogen tech would most likely be an SUV.

He added that developing the tech will still be rendered irrelevant, if the filling station infrastructure doesn’t also catch up, maintaining that “for the long-term, it is a very attractive propulsion method [that] we will keep on investing in.”

By Andrei Nedelea

Note: 2009 F-Cell Roadster concept pictured

