The ingenuity and handiness of criminals knows no boundaries. With skills like this, one wonders why they can’t find legitimate jobs… Border patrol officers from the town of Nadlac, which sits on the line drawn between Romania and Hungary, must have been baffled and shocked when they asked the driver of this Mercedes Sprinter van open up the back of his vehicle…

The entire cargo carrying area was taken up by bits and pieces of a BMW X6 that had been arranged in such a way as to fit.

Yes, that’s the entire vehicle dismantled for transport you see here – kind of like those knock-down kits that get shipped from China and assembled elsewhere, but without the actual final assembly part; nobody’s putting this one back together.

Information on who, why or how is sparse, but you’ll understand what we’re talking about here if you scroll down to after the gallery below.

One thing’s clear, though: the people who dismantled this Mustang would be jealous…

By Andrei Nedelea

