Tesla has made it one of its goals as a company to be part of bringing down the price of the all-important lithium-ion cells that make their cars possible (and expensive). Towards that means, they announced that they were going to build a “Gigafactory” to produce these cells faster and more efficiently than before – they’re aiming for an immediate price reduction of at least 30 percent once the facility is completed in 2020.

Now, we learn from Bloomberg that the CEO and co-founder of Tesla, 42 year-old Elon Musk, thinks that there’s actually a need for hundreds of such factories to be built. He was quoted as saying “there’s going to need to be lots of gigafactories. Just to supply auto demand you need 200 gigafactories.”

All that’s left for Tesla to do now is choose the site where it wants to build the factory and choose its partners, one of which was rumored to be Panasonic. The cost associated is expected to hit the $5 billion / €3.65 billion all-in.

By Andrei Nedelea