“Whaaat!” – those were the first words that came out of the mouth of George Talley after an AAA employee informed him via a phone call that his beloved 1979 Corvette C3 that was stolen in 1981 was found 33 years later in Mississippi.
“I was sitting at home last Friday looking at Judge Mathis, and I get a call from AAA telling me you have a Corvette in Mississippi, come and get it. And, uh… I said, ‘whaaat?’” Talley told WXYZ Detroit.
Talley, a Detroit native, said that the last time he saw his ’79 Corvette, it was parked on Jefferson Avenue 33 years ago.
“I made a police report, and I haven’t seen it since July of 1981,” said Talley. “I’ve always liked Corvettes. It was attractive. The ladies like ‘em.”
Police told the Detroit man that the car was in good shape.
“I’ve heard it was running, it had 47,000 miles on it, and right now, it’s at the police station in Hattiesburg,” said Talley.
GM learned about Talley’s Corvette story and offered to pick up the transportation bill to bring the car back to Detroit, though, it’s not clear if Talley accepted the automaker’s offer.
By John Halas
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