A Hawaiian mother driving (…No2) a Honda Odyssey minivan with her young child on the front passenger seat was filmed having an appalling verbal altercation with another motorist.

We’re talking real foul language here ladies and gents; the kind you get red in the cheeks if some stranger passes by and hears the audio from the video, so keep that in mind when you hit play.

These are the type of words and actions that no child should ever hear and see – especially from their mother who should be giving the good example.

Driver’s account of the road-rage incident:

“This lady was looking down at something, maybe on her phone or something else but there was a good car and a half-length of free space in front of her so I changed lanes (she was completely still, not moving at all waiting for red light to change).

As I made my turn, I could hear the lady’s horn blaring. I looked in my rear view and I could see she was visibly upset. She continued to tailgate me and follow me closely. She then tried to either overtake me or get on the side of me to try and run me off the road. She did this a few times.

I slowly drove the speed limit and made it to a shopping center nearby. At this point, the lady continued to follow me and I knew she wasn’t going to let me go so I took out my phone and started recording her. The following is what happened.”
