The pictures speak for themselves, so there’s no denying that a human hand wreaked havoc on this Audi R8 coupe.

If we are to believe the reports and the scratches on the German supercar’s rear end, that someone was a betrayed and furious wife.

The earliest mention we found about these pictures were from Google+ member Donnie Reed on February 5, or three days before the story appeared on GT Spirit, where he notes: “This R8 owner wasn’t faithful to his wife, and left the whereabouts of his car known, she found it…”

Besides refurbishing the exterior and redecorating the interior, the wife also purportedly keyed out the rear end of the R8 with “$” and ‘smiley’ signs as well as a slew of NSFW phrases, including “F*ck You F*g” and Kiss my a*s”. How sweet…