If this is not a joke, it has got to be one of the most peculiar accessories offered by an automaker for one of its models. Vauxhall announced that it is offering a “Corsa Camo-net” for its new supermini, with the strange accessory to be available in four colors: Flaming Yellow, Flame Red, Lime Green and Chilli Orange.

The net is big enough to hide both Vauxhall Corsa three- and five-door models. Now, you may justifiably ask what is it for? The automaker says the accessory “has been designed specifically for use near National Trust premises and chocolate box Cotswold villages.”

Those are known as areas where people can observe wildlife, and the camo-net will supposedly help them keep a low profile and not scare the animals while they’re at it. The “Corsa Camo-net” can fold up easily into a back-pack or the boot of a vehicle, which means it is ideal for use in the countryside by ramblers and tourists who want to park close to their destination.

Since we’re talking about the land of health and safety, Vauxhall insisted on telling people not to drive their Corsas with the net on. “We advise drivers to always remove the ‘Corsa Camo-net’ prior to driving the car, to avoid being a hazard to other drivers. We’re looking to extend the range across other carlines depending on demand. Drivers can locate their vehicle using their remote fob to operate the lights,” warned Andy Robson, Aftersales Director, Vauxhall Motors.

We tried finding the camo net in the list of accessories posted on Vauxhall’s website, but it didn’t show up, which could mean this is just a joke used to keep the new supermini in the news. The announcement is part of the “A to Z of Corsa” marketing campaign.