Well, this is awkward. Then again, getting a BMW i3 to come to you via a smartphone app could save you a great deal of time.

Think of it as “Uber meets Pizza Delivery”. Poland’s Idea Bank really lived up to their name on this one by outfitting four electric BMW i3 models with built-in ATMs.

All you need in order to get the car to come to you (obviously with a driver behind the wheel) is the IdeaBank Money Collection app, available on the App Store and on Google Play. Sorry Windows Mobile fans!

“Entrepreneurs who personally deliver their income to the bank or stationary CDM waste both their time and money. Our service aims at lifting that weight off their shoulders,” says Dominik Fajbusiewicz, Idea Bank board member.

With the first vehicle already on the streets in Warsaw, the bank should have a proof of concept pretty fast.

If the service proves to be a success, it will be extended to other cities across the country. After that, well, the sky really is the limit – depending on how well it’s received in Poland.

Though at least for now, the service seems to be oriented towards customers who don’t want to waste time because their time = money. Running down to the ATM or taking a short drive towards the closest one could actually save you some time, depending on where you are.

story references: finextra