A cell-phone video showing a young woman demeaning a parking attendant at a New York City garage in the worst possible way is going viral.

We haven’t found the original posting yet (if you have, give us a shout), but all instances of the video include the following description, purportedly written by the man who shot the clip:

“This lady and her girlfriend were 7 minutes late getting their rental car from the garage and had to pay for the hour. Rather than pay $15 like the rest of us, she decided to throw a fit.”

Even if there’s a different story here that we’re not aware of, in no way does it excuse the woman’s atrocious behavior, as she went on a racist rant against the employee who seemed to hold his cool, despite being called all sorts of names.

“Why don’t you learn how to speak English you f***king idiot” yells the woman to the parking attendant who is behind a glass window.

“Learn how to speak English you f***king idiot,” she continues and it only gets worse after that. “I know you can’t speak English; you’re an idiot. Yeah, you’re garbage. You’re garbage. Look at how much of a loser you are. That’s what you do; you stand here all day and you swipe cards, you garbage. You’re garbage. Why don’t you pucker up those lips for your f***king wh*rebag wife?”

The employee is heard saying “thank you” several times in the video – we can’t hear what else he replied. After calling the employee ignorant in a way that reminded us of South Park’s impression of Michael Jackson, the woman threatens the worker that he “won’t have a job tomorrow”.

But guess what; the joke’s on her now that the video hit the internet…

Warning: Video is NSFW
